Sunday, December 12, 2010
During the jury, panel members pointed out some serious semiotic problems with the visualization of the concepts. I now brought my focus onto developing the content, and simultaneously began working on refinement of the illustration concepts. At this juncture, I had the good fortune of meeting a bold young activist Miss Ketki Doshi of FACSE (Forum Against Child Sexual Exploitation), who has been not only actively dealing with cases of CSA, but also dedicating herself to building knowledge and spreading awareness on the subject. Interaction with her not only validated my selected approach(communicating to parents), but also did away with some of my presumptions. In conversation with Ketki, some of the salient points that emerged were:
1. Communication must be clear and unpretentious. No beating around the bush
2. The core issue is lack of awareness in society.
3. Only targeting mothers (or even keeping it limited to parents), may not work in all cases. The communication must be flexible for the understanding of any caregiver.
4. The illustrations are grossly unclear.
5. In the model of the campaign, Medical Practitioners and Hospitals was an important link that was overlooked. She emphasized the importance of their role in this issue.
are the key points to be addressed while dealing with this subject.
With these insights, I also looked at the system within which my communication aims to work
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Jury Feedback
Semester 3
In the hypothesized scenario, one of the four communication needs is Awareness among parents and children.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Concept Generation - Creating Identity for campaign
What would be the difference in meanings when hand faces either towards or away from the user? Or would it make so much difference to the effectiveness of the logo?
Redefined Brief
IV. Synthesis 2
IV. Synthesis 1
III. Analysis - Legal inadequacies
Monday, April 12, 2010
II. Analysis - Psychological and social issues
II. Analysis - India – vulnerability and need for action
Child Sexual Abuse is a globally occurring phenomenon, for which various organizations and nations are taking concrete steps to curb, along with other critical issues of child protection.
1. Nineteen percent of the world's children live in
2. Sex being a taboo in the Indian culture, discrimination and sexual victimization of women and the social tolerance to the same, has aggravated the problem to a great extent.
3. Due to political instability there is an influx of considerable percentage of refugee children in
4. Poverty and migration from rural parts owing to growing employment opportunities in urban areas has created a fertile ground for exploitation of children.
5. There are an increasing number of street children who are in the most vulnerable position for sexual violence.
6. The laws of the nation are inadequate to penalize sexual crimes against children, leading to flourishing of organized sex trade including child sex tourism, child pornography, etc.